Endermology is an intensive massage that lifts and massages the skin through suction, resulting in a firm massage of both the skin and the subcutaneous connective tissue. This type of massage stimulates blood and lymph circulation, the drainage of lymph fluid, elimination of waste products, and fat cells. Additionally, it softens, among other things, hardened (scar) tissue.


The secret of endermology lies in our advanced technology, carefully designed to optimize energy flows. With endermology the energy will go deeper into the tissue. Simultaneously, the mechanical massage stimulates lymphatic drainage, naturally reducing excess fluid and fat.

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Skin tightening

Our innovative vacuum technique will improve skin firmness, elasticity and tone.

Improved blood circulation

The advanced vacuum system directs energy deep into the tissue, resulting in enhanced blood circulation. This not only improve overall skin health but also ensures a healthy, radiant complexion.

Reduction of fluid retention

The mechanical massage combined with the vacuum effect effectively aids in lymphatic drainage, reducing excess fluid and unwanted fat accumulations for a slimmer and tighter appearance.

Cellulite reduction

Endermology addresses tissues and can thereby reduce cellulite.

Discover all the benefits when
purchasing the MBT Shape