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1. By using this website, you are expected to have read and accepted these terms of use;
2. The information provided on or through this website is of a general nature and is intended solely for informational and promotional purposes;
3. My Body Shape is not liable for any damage that may arise due to the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information provided on this website;
4. The provided information may be changed at any time without further notice;
5. All intellectual property rights concerning the materials published on the website are held by My Body Shape. Regarding photos and videos, rights are always held by the creator of the photo or video and may also be held by My Body Shape and/or depicted individuals. Concerning the website itself, rights are held by the creator of the website. Except where otherwise required by mandatory regulations (such as copyright exceptions), copying, distributing, or any other use of the content of the website is not permitted without prior written permission from the rights holder(s).